Every day do something that won’t compute
“Every day do something that won’t compute.” -Wendell Berry
Everyday do something that won’t compute
give a compliment and expect nothing in return
sit, no lie, in the grass
count the clouds and listen to the whisper of the wind
have full conversations with the finches and doves
sing along with the chorus of frogs at night
bake bread, cookies, and muffins
leave on doorsteps and in cars
say “I love you”
offer forgiveness
make friends with your enemy.
turn up the music and dance
eat ice cream for breakfast and dinner
say “yes” over and over again
believe in miracles and answered prayers
trust they are true and right on time.
// I'd love to connect with you by sending my writing via email. I write a monthly offering that goes directly into your inboxes that includes a reflection or devotion by me and some other words to inspire. Monthly, I also have a series called the Walking Diaries where a friend of mine shares their story from a recent walk. I've shared walks from Turkey, England, state metro parks, and Bethlehem to name a few.