Start - 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes
I remember the first time I saw him. His back to me and his sling backpack across his back. He’s standing talking to other students. We’re both students at the time; seminarians studying to be pastors.
We both said we didn’t want to marry another pastor.
I notice him around the campus. I see him holding doors open for others. He has a quiet smile and calm nature; he seems to be a true gentleman. When someone is talking to him, he’s listening, deeply.
The first time I saw him it was morning. The community gathers for worship every day at 10 am. He’s there outside the chapel. I see him and I want to get to know him.
I ask around and find out his name. I attempt to get as much information as possible pieced together about his life and family and where he’s from. I scroll through his Facebook pictures. It’s a small campus so we see each other throughout the day. I remember him coming up to me after I preached in chapel and him complimenting my sermon.
I want more opportunities to talk to him.
Soon we know each other’s name and we have mutual friends. We talk more and share meals together with our friends. We discuss our classes and why we want to be pastors. He always holds the door open for me. He listens deeply. He asks questions.
But I still remember that first time I saw him outside the chapel.
The first glance, a start to our lifetime together.
**All month I'll be participating in 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes. Each day I'll take some time (sometimes 5 minutes and sometimes a little more) to sit down and write. It's about the discipline of writing each day. It's about listening to the words from within. It's about letting creativity work in me. I'll share my writing at some point during the day on my blog. Thanks for reading.