A Blessing for the Beginning of Advent
This blessing meets you with the early morning dawn
whispering gently, “come, see what the day holds”
it rubs your sleepy eyes and wraps you in a warm blanket
it fills the air with the aroma of fresh-brewed coffee
and settles in your heart making space for God’s peace.
This blessing meets you in the afternoon sun
with a crispness in the air and dancing shadows on your floor
it tells of to-dos and phone calls, meetings and appointments
and reminds you, “You are loved as is”
it delights in watching you care, work, tend, and listen
and settles in your heart making space for God’s peace.
This blessing meets you with the setting sun
in the lighting of candles and the gathering at the table
it hears your sighs and prayers and knows your longings
it brings hope for a weary world
and settles in your heart making space for God’s peace.
This blessing meets you in the dark of night
wondering and questioning, doubting and believing
it whispers again, “come and rest, I’m here”
it embraces you just as you are
whether you feel it or not
and declares that God’s peace is here
settle in, rest, breathe, be
God’s peace is here.