In this house

In this house

We put together puzzles on the hardwood floor. We forget to vacuum the dog's hair. We pile coats on the rocking chair. We dance to Vacation Bible School songs in the living room. We watch movies on Friday night (Elsa and Encanto and Luca) and TV on Saturday morning (Superheroes and Elena and Doc McStuffins). We read books at the dinner table, in bed, on the couch, and beside the fireplace. We always ask for dessert (and sometimes seconds). We walk around town. We walk to church. We plant a garden and hang flowering baskets on the porch. We forget to water the garden. We cheer when it rains and at the first snowfall. We pray. We bless one another. We make birthday lists and circle gift ideas from catalogs. We leave legos, blocks, and scraps of paper everywhere. We run like superheroes down the hallway. We play toy store and restaurant. We eat snacks. We text friends “can you play at the park?” We send hand-written letters. We draw trains, construction vehicles, rainbows and hearts. We believe in stories. We trust we are loved. We keep writing our story together.

Inspired by @maryoliversdrunkcousin, Lyndsay Rush


// This post is part of a blog hop with Exhale—an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, led by the writing team behind Coffee + Crumbs. Click here to view the next post in the series "Words to Carry."