Help - 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes
It’s amazing how quickly a calm morning can turn into a frantic mess.
Everyone slept in a bit later than normal - perhaps that should have been the first sign - and with it being Monday, we all took our time to get going.
Running back and forth in his crib with a smile, Isaac didn’t wake us with his normal cries. Charlotte occupied herself looking out the window with only the noise of the blinds moving up and down. Breakfast was calmer. Everyone ate what was in front of them. No cries or screams for something else. No stealing of food from one another. Isaac played with the plastic dishes and Charlotte helped make coffee.
Looking at the clock I saw we had plenty of time before we needed to leave. We even played together on the floor for a few minutes rolling the ball back and forth.
The next thing I know after getting dressed and redirecting Isaac over and over again from the bathroom drawers, it’s almost time to go.
Charlotte’s yelling “rainbow, rainbow,” for the rainbow sticks she loves to use during music class. Yes, we’re going to music class this morning I tell her. “Rainbow, rainbow!”
I still need to dress Isaac and as soon as I pick him up he lurches forward wanting nothing to do with being held. I grab him again and take him to the changing table. He rolls over quickly and gets himself to sitting. I set him down again as the clock moves closer to when we need to leave. Charlotte comes running in yelling about my “keys!” Isaac cheers too and wants to run with her. He only has half his shirt on. I tell Charlotte to get her shoes, but all she wants to get are my car keys so we can leave. I tell her we’ll leave when wer’e all ready but we can’t leave till everyone’s dressed and everyone has their shoes on.
Finally once Isaac is dressed I gather all our bags. Charlotte is still yelling about my keys so I tell her she can get them. I ask her to bring me her shoes. She picks them up and throws them. “Pick up your shoes, Charlotte.”
Finally she’s sitting and we get her shoes on. I tie one shoe and then the other. Just as soon as I have them tied, Charlotte unties them. “Tie bow, Mama.”
“Yes, I just tied your bow and you untied it.”
“Tie bow, Mama.”
By now Isaac has the pots out of the cabinet and is banging them together. The dog keeps getting in my way to tie Charlotte’s shoes. We have shoes on but no bow.
Finally her shoes are tied and I tell her to open the garage and get in the car. I grab her coat and go to put it on. “No! Pink, pink.”
“You want your pink coat, now?”
“Yes, pink!”
I go to the living room closet and get her pink coat. Meanwhile Isaac now has my yoga blocks scattered in the kitchen. Isaac holds one of the trains and Charlotte grabs it from his hands.
“Charlotte, no, don’t take toys out of your brother’s hands.”
“Yes,” she yells defiantly as she grabs the train and throws it. She runs to the floor and throws herself down.
It’s past the time we need to leave by now; we could all use a little help.
I tell Charlotte to go to the car without her coat. I grab my bags, the quickly poured coffee, Isaac’s water, and then Isaac all in one fell swoop. We are leaving the house with no more interruptions.
On the way home from music class and lunch we need to keep Isaac awake so he can nap at home. We sing songs and blare the radio. I open the windows and see Charlotte’s hair flopping everywhere. Isaac turns his head to feel the breeze. They’re both smiling and laughing.
The wind blowing through the car and taking away any signs of frustration and tears. The blue skies, the perfect fall day, the wind on our faces - our help in seeing the beauty in these precious days.
**All month I'll be participating in 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes. Each day I'll take some time (sometimes 5 minutes and sometimes a little more) to sit down and write. It's about the discipline of writing each day. It's about listening to the words from within. It's about letting creativity work in me. I'll share my writing at some point during the day on my blog. Thanks for reading.